Friday, December 31, 2010

TORNADO in Northwest Arkansas

I was up as usual this morning at about 5:30 and decided to check the weather radar because it was raining and the wind was howling. As I pulled up the weather site I noticed our area was covered in the bad colors and it had a tornado warning box around northwestern Washington county . That's me, I am in that area. I got off the internet, woke up the family and we got in a protected area. At that time the power went off and the cell phone rang. One of my sons had spent the night with a friend and the mom called to tell us that the tornado sirens were going off. We got the emergency radio out to listen and stayed protected. We did not hear of a tornado setting down in our area, but as we went to pick up our son we realized tragedy had hit our little area. Three people in a town by us died and several others were injured. Our prayers are with the families in our area as well as the Emergency workers out in this away from their families. One of my images is of a husband and wife firefighting crew from the Gallatin Fire Department.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Clouds have always amazed me! You just get lost in them.

Senior Pictures in Northwest Arkansas

     Senior Portraits in Northwest Arkansas is one of the best things to do for a photographer. The senior's are full of energy and I always have a blast. We are looking forward to the New Year and new opportunities as we move forward.

Jimson in Winter

(Datura stramonium)
I have been off schedule with my "somewhat daily" photos with the celebrations of the season.  It's time to get back on track!  My kids were building a fort in the woods and wanted to show me their progress.  So, I grabbed my camera and followed them out!  Photographic opportunities abound at dusk in the woods.  

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rose Hips

We have a great building on the side yard that is red and full of character. This rose hip was right in front and the red on red really is nice.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Joseph Project

This is the group that heads up the Work Matters in Northwest Arkansas.  Here's what they are about...
"The Joseph Project was created to provide encouragement for those who find themselves between jobs. 
Our stated vision is simple, but is already yielding powerful results…
to alter the journey of business people between jobs.  
We continue to strive toward this vision by providing timely and relevant job resources, networking, and encouragement to business professionals of Northwest Arkansas who are between jobs."

At the Christmas party I did Executive portraits for anyone wanting to update their social media or resume' image. I have met some incredible people at the Joseph Project. It is a great resource for Northwest Arkansas.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Court of Honor

This image is of my son. He advanced to the rank of 2nd class in Boy Scouts. It was a great evening. He also received several merit badges including one that goes toward Eagle.

Boy Scouts of America: A Centennial History
Amazon Book

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Time for Understanding

I was going through old images today and came across this man I met in New Orleans. He had a bad leg and was in a desperate situation. I began talking with him and he looked at me and started explaining how his life started falling apart. He is a good man, but has lost hope. He told me"This is not me, I'm better than what you see." I believe this to be true about a lot of people we pass on the street. This time of the year is about the birth of Jesus Christ. So let's remember compassion.

Merry Christmas, Gary Yandell

Friday, December 10, 2010

Grease Wars

One of my favorite nephews wedding is coming up and all of his future in-laws are from up north. We thought it would be funny to expose them to a southern redneck family photo op. We run our truck on waste vegetable oil so we used that as our prop. We had a lot of fun, but it was cold.

Hammer on Wood


Hammer on Wood

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Patriotic Texture

This is part of an exercise I have assigned myself.  There will be many more editorial photos like this to come.

Monday, December 6, 2010


It is amazing what you discover by looking up close at your surroundings. We walk by interesting things everyday. Usefull things. I am going to start using these textures in backgrounds for other images. I love photoshop.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Last of the Tomatoes

We had a great garden this summer. I guess it is finally over. Time to prepare for next year.

Photography (10th Edition)
Great photo book from Amazon

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Grandescunt Aucta Labore

Procrastination always forces me to create my daily image at dusk. It doesn't matter, the light is beautiful at dusk. When the season changes, things that were once in splendor droop away to translucent has beens preparing for a different phase of life. Winter is coming on, and the woods are getting ready. They have dropped most of their leaves exposing every flaw, but blanketing the ground for a new sub-culture of activity. Nature takes advantage of every moment.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Harvesting A Tree

Today was the traditional harvesting of the family Christmas tree. I am no P. Allan Smith, but we usually get a great tree. Cedars grow like weeds around here, so we never lack for a selection. We always get one from a fence line, just to keep them clear. We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas season.


The Yandells

Baldwin Dragonfly Ornament
Great ornament collection!
Check it out.