Saturday, February 5, 2011

Stuck on the Mountain (Day 4)

Day four stuck on the mountain. The boys are having tons of fun building snow forts and having snowball fights. The sun is out this morning and making everything shine.We typically use the line for drying.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day Number Two (Stuck on the Mountain)

Day two of being stuck on the mountain. It is 5 degrees outside and I am not to motivated to go photograph. Birds in the front yard are always a good go to subject.

Enjoy the day and stay warm

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow days at home

Today was amazing! The sun finally popped out and we really enjoyed watching the birds feed on the front porch. During snow days we typically put out an extra amount of food. Looking forward to getting the roads cleared so we can get off the mountain, but we will enjoy while we are here.
Be safe